Serving your wellness for 120 years
The story of Terme di Relilax Boutique Hotel & Spa began as many as 120 years ago. In fact, the area where it is found is the oldest thermal center in Europe and it is thanks to its water and mud that Relilax can treat and relax its many clients.
Four generations of our family have cared for this 5-star Boutique Hotel in Montegrotto Terme, northern Italy, and we look forward to helping you feel at home here.
With 2018 came great changes: the renovation of over 70 rooms, the restaurant, the Lobby and Thermal area, the parking lot, and the Hotel façade.We chose to make the “Boutique Hotel” philosophy our own because of the homey atmosphere that always set us apart, along with a strong Italian tradition of family hospitality.

Италия — государство в Южной Европе, в центре Средиземноморья, является третьей по величине экономикой еврозоны.
Занимает Апеннинский полуостров, крайний северо-запад Балканского полуострова, Паданскую равнину, южные склоны Альп, острова Сицилия, Сардиния и ряд мелких островов.
На территории Италии находится 55 памятников Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО — Италия разделяет с Китаем первое место по их количеству[8].
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